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Genesis 1

Sabbath Evening Chat
August 31, 2007

How Old is the Universe


Recently, Blow the Trumpet was asked to comment on its belief concerning the length of the days of creation and how this belief can be reconciled with the popular scientific view that the universe is actually several billion years old. With this challenge we thought we would enlist the comments of our Sabbath Chat friends. Below are the questions we posed to them along with our comments. Much of our response comes from the book, A Vision, A Plan, and A Destiny, which is showcased in our library.

Why does science believe the universe is billions of years old?

The belief that the universe is billions of years old (some scientific estimates suggest as much as 14 billion years old) is based on the speed of light relative to the size of the known universe. Based on the distance of the furthest galaxy, it would take the light it generates billions of years to reach earth. Nowhere does the Bible contradict this understanding.

Approximately how big is the universe and does its size influence its age?

It is big--VERY BIG. The following is an excerpt from A Vision, A Plan, and A Destiny, which addresses this question. It puts the scope of the creation in perspective and illustrates why scientific estimates concerning the age of the universe are not without merit.

The enormity of the universe God fashioned so long ago is beyond comprehension. Even the scientific community is mystified by its size. For this reason, astronomers have developed a way, other than miles, to calculate the mind-boggling distances between the objects that so exquisitely decorate the heavens. Astronomers think in terms of time when calculating the distance between objects in space. This unit of measurement is called a “light year.” A light year is the distance light travels in one year. But how far is that?

The speed of light has been measured at 186,282 miles per second. Therefore, at that speed, in one year, light would travel approximately six trillion (6,000,000,000,000) miles. In other words, if you wanted to travel to the nearest star other than our sun, and you moved at the rate of 186,000 miles per second, in one year you would have traveled six trillion miles. That’s the good news. The bad news is that you wouldn’t be remotely close to the star you were looking for. To get there you would have to travel another three and a-third years. And this would only get you to the closest star. In other words, you would have to travel 26 trillion miles to visit your closest solar neighbor. How is that for size?

A Great Illustration

In 1974, Kenneth Weaver, assistant editor of National Geographic Magazine, crafted a very unique word picture when attempting to describe the size of the known universe. His words illustrate just how immense the heavens truly are.

Imagine that the thickness of this page represents the distance from the earth to the sun (93,000,000 miles or about eight “light minutes”). This being the case, the distance to the nearest star (4-1/3 “light years”) would be the size of a 71-foot high sheaf of papers. And the diameter of our own galaxy (100,000 “light years”) would create a 310 mile stack, while the edge of the known universe is not reached until the pile of papers reaches 31 million miles high.... (National Geographic, May 1974, p. 592)

The size of the known universe is something that astonishes even the most brilliant scientific minds. It is simply too immense to comprehend. To illustrate this point, consider the following. Recently, a team of prominent astrophysicists from the California Institute of Technology, using a process first proposed by Albert Einstein called “gravitational lensing,” discovered a galaxy believed to be thirteen billion light years from our own Milky Way. If you would like to convert that number into miles the formula is quite simple: 186,000 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 x 13,000,000,000. And remember, this is the KNOWN universe.

But just in case you still are not impressed, there is good news. The universe is expanding. That’s right! It is actually growing. This fact was discovered by the astronomer Edwin Hubble in 1929. Hubble proved that the universe is steadily expanding, like a balloon. His research revealed that all the galaxies in the universe are in motion and are actually flying apart from each other. This principle is known as “Hubble’s Law.”

What is the "Gap" theory?

The Gap Theory is the belief that The Book of Genesis is actually describing two creations. The first creation is mentioned in Genesis 1:1. There it says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Nowhere do the scriptures indicate how long ago this act took place other than to say it occurred in "the beginning."

The second creation, or, re-creation is described in Genesis 1:3 -- 2:4. Here it explains what God did after a great cataclysmic event rendered the earth uninhabitable. This great cataclysm is alluded to in Genesis 1:2.

The core of the "gap theory" is based on the belief that at some point after the universe was originally created, Satan waged a great rebellion against God and His plan for mankind. Because the physical realm was to play a HUGE part in God's plan, Satan attempted to destroy it. The result of this rebellion is described in Genesis 1:2. A description of this rebellion is captured in A Vision, A Plan, and A Destiny.

When Satan realized the full impact of God’s Plan, his reaction brought new meaning to the word “violent.” He mobilized one third of the angelic realm into a great rebellion against God (Rev. 12:4). He then waged a ferocious attack on God’s Kingdom in the third heaven. However, the rebellion was repelled and Satan was cast down to the earth. When speaking to His servants about the power they had in casting out demons, Jesus revealed that He was an eyewitness to Satan’s excommunication from God’s Kingdom. Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall as lightening from heaven” (Lk. 10:18).

However, although Satan’s attempt to seize control of God’s Government was blocked, this great adversary was not finished with his attempt to destroy God’s Plan for man. He then turned his wrath on the physical universe because he knew how essential it was for that Plan to succeed. He may have even thought to himself, “without a home for man, God’s Plan will be thwarted.” As a result of this mind-set, Satan unleashed unimaginable devastation on the heavens and the earth. Like a child throwing a tantrum, Satan tried to break everything in sight – and he almost succeeded. What was once a beautiful creation now lay in ruins. Light and order were replace with chaos and darkness.

From Order to Chaos

The period when Satan attempted to destroy the physical universe is described in one tragic verse of God’s word. The book of Genesis states that “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1). However, the next verse makes a peculiar statement. Notice what it says.

And the earth was without form and void... (Gen. 1:2)

What does the Bible mean by the term "without form and void" in Genesis 1:2?

The words “without form and void” are somewhat cryptic and thus have been ignored by most professing Christians. Some (including members of God's Church) believe that this verse is simply describing the infant stages of the universe. In other words, at this point, God was not yet finished with the creation of the heavens and the earth. Although He had fashioned the universe, it was still in a nebulous state, and needed some finishing touches. However, this is not what the scriptures reveal – and a closer examination of this verse bears this out.

The words “without form and void” are very important when understanding how our world came to be as it is. In truth, they reveal something quite interesting about the age of the universe. The Hebrew term for “without form” is "tohu va bohu." Literally translated this term means “desolate” and/or “chaotic,” a “waste place.” This being the case, one might ask: why would God make the earth a desolate chaotic waste? The answer is: He wouldn’t – and the scriptures bear this out.

In the forty-fifth chapter of Isaiah, God’s word declares that He did not create the world in a state of chaos and confusion. Notice what Isaiah writes.

For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God Himself that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it, He created it not in vain... (Isa. 45:18)

The word “vain” in this verse is identical to the word “form” in Genesis 1:2. Once again, this term refers to a chaotic state, only this time Isaiah is explaining that God never created the world in such a condition./p>

At this point, it is important to understand that God is a God of order, not chaos. This being the case, something dramatic must have occurred at some point after He created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1) – something so severe that it would render the world desolate. This chaos was nothing other than the handiwork of Satan’s rebellion. It was the great fallen archangel Lucifer, now Satan, who rained down massive destruction on the planet, leaving it in a state of absolute chaos.

It is also possible that he may have so radically altered the earth’s environment that the planet couldn’t sustain life. Atmospheric conditions may have been adjusted, causing the earth to convulse with great natural disasters. The result: tohu va bohu. Furthermore, this event may have occurred millions of years and perhaps even billions of years after God first created the universe.

Although Genesis 1:2 reads “and the earth was without form and void,” most scholars acknowledge that the word “was” in this verse is better translated “became.” Therefore, this verse should read “and the earth became without form and void.” In other words, after the universe was created, something happened that caused it to become chaotic and confused. That “something” was Satan the devil and his attempt to destroy the creation itself. In the wake of this devastation lay a scarred earth with every living being destroyed. It is hard to imagine a place that was once so beautiful crumbled in ruins. However, in all likelihood that is exactly what happened.

Why did God create a universe?

When writing to the church at Rome, the apostle Paul presented a powerful lesson regarding the physical dimension in which man currently resides. In the eighth chapter of this epistle, Paul explains that the entire physical creation will one day go through a phenomenal transformation. At that time, the heavens and the earth will no longer be made of corruptible matter, but rather of incorruptible spirit. Additionally, Paul even revealed what specifically must take place in order for this transformation to occur. He begins this lesson by explaining that nature itself is longing for a dramatic change to take place in God’s children.

For the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. (Ro. 8:19)

The Greek word for “creature” in this verse is ktisis. This word refers to all that was created, not simply living creatures as we think of them. This being the case, Paul was explaining that the entire physical realm is anxiously waiting for the manifestation of God’s children. This manifestation will occur when man is changed from corruptible flesh to incorruptible spirit.

Although this transformation occurs in phases, the last phase will take place at the conclusion of God’s final judgment on all mankind (Rev. 20:11-15). Once this judgment is dispensed, all who enter into His eternal Kingdom will be born into it as literal children of God Almighty. At that time, man will no longer be made of flesh, but rather of incorruptible spirit.

As Paul expands on this wonderful truth, he explains that the earth was never created to eternally exist in its corruptible state. It was actually created to be transitory – in other words, subject to corruption (death).

For the creature (creation) was made subject to vanity (corruption), not willingly, but by reason of Him Who hath subjected the same in hope (Ro. 8:20)

Today we live in a world that is truly in a state of decay. Some try to put a pleasant face on this fact by referring to it as “the circle of life.” In this circle, all living things are born, move through an existence, then die, etc., etc., etc. Although this is the natural order of things in this corruptible realm, the universe will not always be this way. The twenty-first chapter of Revelation describes a time when there will be a “New Heaven” and a “New Earth.” At that time, the old heaven and the old earth will “pass away.” Once this new universe is “born,” death will also be destroyed and life will fill the entirety of time and space (1Cor. 15:26). Paul goes on to explain that the creation also has a Destiny. Like man, it, too, shall be delivered from the grips of death.

Because the creature (creation) itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. (Ro. 8:21)

That “glorious liberty” will come when man is born into God’s Family as literal sons and daughters. At that time, they will be made of incorruptible spirit and fashioned with God’s perfect righteous character – they will be “just like Him (1Jn. 3:2). This is not to suggest that the entire creation will possess God’s character and wisdom. However, it will be changed into that which cannot die. It, too, will be incorruptible.

Paul concludes this lesson by acknowledging that God’s people share a great hope that will come to pass when their change comes. And like God’s children, the entire creation is destined to become incorruptible and also enter into eternity.

For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. (Ro. 8:22-23)

Throughout history, God’s children have longed for the day when His desire for them will be accomplished. At that time they will no longer suffer pain or even death (Rev. 21:4). The time is coming when mankind will enter into an incorruptible state. This is his Destiny. This is also the Destiny God fashioned for the entire creation. The point here is that the Great Creator and Sustainer of all that exists is eventually going to breathe incorruptible life into the entire universe. Man may not be aware of this truth, but the heavens and the earth are in for a spectacular change. The author of Hebrews put it this way.

And, you, Lord, in the beginning have laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of your hand: They shall perish; but you remain; and they shall wax old as a garment; And as a vesture shall you fold them up. And they shall be changed... (Heb. 1:10-12)

Clearly, the physical realm of which we are a part is going to change. It will one day be incorruptible. With this in mind, why did God make it physical in the first place? Why didn’t He make it a “glorified” universe at the very beginning?

The answer to this question is actually revealed in what lies ahead for the entire physical realm. In other words, its Destiny. If the physical creation will become incorruptible when man becomes spirit (Ro. 8:21), then the only reason for its corruptible existence in the first place was to accommodate man in his physical state. In other words, God built the physical universe to be inhabited by physical beings. The prophet Isaiah put it best.

For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited... (Isa. 45:18)

Here, God clearly reveals that the earth was created because He already had a tenant in mind. God created a physical realm because man needed a home in which to learn and grow. Therefore, God must have planned for man to exist before the universe was fashioned. By creating the universe, God was building a home for His future sons and daughters – His family.

How long were the days of creation?

Most professing Christians mistakenly believe that the first chapter of the Bible describes the steps God took when originally creating the universe. However, in reality, this chapter is actually describing something that took place billions of years later. Here, the Great Master Architect is literally renewing a creation that had been wrecked by the fallen archangel Lucifer. King David understood this truth and expressed that understanding this way.

You send forth your spirit, they are created: and you renew the face of the earth. (Psa. 104:30)

Six Miraculous Days

The scriptures reveal that God used six days to reconstruct the physical domain that would serve as man’s home. The Great Creator would begin by commanding the presence of light in what was at that time a universe of darkness (Gen. 1:3). At this moment, the force of God’s great power and will echoed through space, and light appeared. God then separated the light from the darkness, bringing to a close the first day of re-creation.

For the next five days, God would painstakingly direct a remarkable work. During this period, He would create an atmosphere, form bodies of water, build mountains, and fill the earth with vegetation. He would also design living creatures to fill the seas and animals to roam the earth.

The Bible reveals that when God prepared the earth for man, He was providing more than the basic necessities. The earth would be a beautiful place, with wonders that would inspire all who dwelt there. It would be a place of endless discoveries and great treasures. Here, man could work as well as play. He could learn as well as teach. He could feel as well as touch. In this environment, man could discover profound truths about his Creator and the wonderful Plan that Creator has for him.

The great wisdom and mercy God employed when rebuilding the heavens and the earth is powerfully captured in an exquisite psalm dedicated to this very act. The 104th Psalm was written by King David of Israel and is a tribute to God’s majesty and greatness. It describes both His creative power and His capacity to sustain what He has made. Notice the exquisite words that introduce the God who created heaven and earth.

Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with honor and majesty. Who covers yourself with light as with a garment: who stretched out the heaven like a curtain. (Psa.104:1-2)

David then proceeds to describe God as a Great Architect, the One who was responsible for not only fashioning the physical world, but the spirit world as well.

Who lays the beams of His chambers in the waters: who makes the clouds His chariot: who walks upon the wings of the wind: Who makes His angels spirits; His ministers a flaming fire: Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. (Psa.104:3-5)

These words are more than the poetic utterance of some romantic thousands of years ago. They describe a real God with real power – a power that can even subdue physical forces.

In the New Testament, Jesus is described as walking on water (Mt. 14:25). Here, God is described as walking upon the wings of the wind. As the Creator of the forces of nature, God has authority over these forces. Additionally, when David said that “the earth should not be removed,” he was declaring that when God laid the foundations of the earth, He also set in motion laws that would sustain it. Therefore, the earth cannot be removed without the consent of its Maker.

Kind David then proceeds to describe how God fashioned the earth and consigned certain parts of it to their respective places.

You cover it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains. At your rebuke they fled; at the voice of your thunder they hastened away. They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place you have founded for them. You have set a bound that they may not pass over; that they turn not again to cover the earth. He sends the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills. (Psa. 104:6-10)

The words in this psalm reveal not only God’s great power when crafting the heavens and the earth, but also His immense love. This love is reflected in the way God shaped the earth. According to David, God’s motivation was a deep consideration for those who would reside on this planet. In essence, God was making provisions for the inhabitants of earth to flourish.

They (the streams and rivers) give drink to every beast of the field: the wild asses quench their thirst. By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing among the branches. He waters the hills from His chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your works. He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth... (Psa. 104:11-14)

However, when God re-created the earth, He was not simply interested in providing the basic necessities. The Great Creator of the universe also appreciates pleasures. This truth is borne out in many of the gifts He included when making the world. Notice how David acknowledges this fact.

And wine that makes glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengthens man’s heart. The trees of the Lord are full of sap; the cedars of Lebanon, which He has planted; (Psa. 104:15-16)

The Great God who made all that exists filled the earth with an endless array of delights, all intended to show His deep love for those who would soon dwell on this exquisite planet. Jesus Christ was well aware of the beauty God had bestowed on the earth and spoke of it during one of His most famous messages. Notice His words in the Sermon on the Mount.

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. (Mt. 6:28-29)

The exquisite beauty that is so much a part of man’s physical home reveals that the God who made all that exists is not only powerful, He is tender. No act is inconsequential to Him. The extraordinary detail that is a part of every facet of creation bears out this wonderful truth. God is a God of love. He is a giver of good gifts. The earth is such a gift and God’s signature is all over it. The creation truly reveals God’s mercy and the scriptures proclaim this fact.

To Him that by wisdom made the heavens: for His mercy endures forever. To Him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for His mercy endures forever. To Him that made great lights: for His mercy endures forever: The sun to rule by day: for His mercy endures forever: The moon and stars to rule by night: for His mercy endures forever. (Psa. 136:5-9)

God’s mercy is the driving force behind His creative power. It is this very mercy that defines His greatness. God is a merciful God. He demonstrates this wonderful virtue in everything He touches, including the very world around us.

A Message in the Heavens

The book of Genesis reveals that on the fourth day of re-creation, God fashioned the sun, moon, and stars. However, when describing this act, the scriptures also explain why He created these great astronomical wonders that so beautifully decorate the sky. Notice what God’s word says.

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and for years: (Gen. 1:14)

Here, the Great God declares that the sun, the moon, and the stars are for “signs” and “seasons.” These two words have profound meaning and reveal an extraordinary point regarding God’s Plan for mankind.

The Hebrew word for “signs” in this verse, is owth. This word can be translated as a “signal,” “beacon,” “evidence,” or “mark.” This is the same word God used when describing His Sabbath. Notice what God said when instructing the children Israel to honor this day – a day He blessed and set apart as Holy:

Speak you also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily My Sabbaths you shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that you may know that I am the Lord that does sanctify you... It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed. (Ex. 32:13,17)

God created the Sabbath on the seventh day as a link between Himself and mankind. The Sabbath is a “sign” God gave that would enable man to know his Creator. On the fourth day, God created the heavens as a clock in which His soon-to-be-created Sabbath could be identified. But there is more.

The word “seasons” in Genesis 1:14 is moed. This word means “appointed times.” Throughout history, God’s appointed times have been His holy days. These days reveal a great Plan of salvation for all mankind – a Plan that God envisioned from the very beginning. The point here is that God created the heavens as an instrument that would help man identify specific holy days created by the One who would later become the Savior of the world.

It is not by coincidence that down through the ages some of history’s most significant events took place on God’s holy days. Many of these events involved God’s direct intervention and speak volumes about His Vision for mankind. The heavens as well as the holy days declare not only God’s strength, but also His infinite wisdom and love (Psa. 19:1). They reveal that the Great Creator is mindful of His children and has a remarkable Plan that will ultimately lead them into His Family.

In His Image

For six days, God painstakingly renewed what had become a shattered heaven and earth. However, toward the end of the sixth day, He would do something that until then had only been a dream. It was at this moment that God announced the time had finally come to begin the creation of His Family. Notice the words that Jesus Christ, in His pre-incarnate state, spoke to His eternal Father.

And God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” (Gen. 1:26)

Consider the power of these words. God was about to create a being who would be modeled after Himself. Man would be formed in the very image of his Creator. He would be made in the very likeness of his God. This extraordinary moment stood apart from all other creative acts performed by the Holy One of Israel.

The remarkable uniqueness of man is borne out not only in his image and likeness, but also in the way he was created. Until this point, God renewed the heavens and the earth by the power of His word. He spoke and there was light. He spoke and the waters were divided. He spoke and the dry land appeared. He spoke and vegetation came forth. He spoke and the heavens were fashioned. He spoke and the sea brought forth life. He spoke and creatures came forth to roam the earth.

However, this moment was to be very different. This is because God did not speak man into existence, He actually formed him with His own hands. This is a fact that should not be lost when understanding God’s Vision for man and the wonderful Destiny that awaits him.

The Bible reveals that God formed man out of the dust of the ground (Gen. 2:7). Imagine what was taking place at this exact moment. God was literally touching man during this process. He was gently forming and fashioning the clay that would become His child. And now, all the planning and dreaming was only seconds away from a miraculous beginning. God then breathed life into this great masterpiece and man became a living soul.Imagine what the angelic kingdom must have been thinking as they saw God kneel on the ground and form a being whose ultimate Destiny would be to rule with Him for all eternity. It is very possible that these great beings may even have knelt with Him.

Were there eye-witnesses to the creation of the universe?

The scriptures indicate that the entire angelic realm witnessed this marvelous act. When speaking to Job God indicated that All the angels shouted with JOY when they beheld it. A Vision, A Plan, and A Destiny offers the what the angelic family may have beheld when the universe came into existence.

The scriptures declare that sometime after revealing His Plan for mankind to the angelic realm, God began to implement one of the Plan’s most critical stages. He would build a domain in which man could learn and grow. The book of Genesis describes this creative act in words that identify the source of all that exists.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Gen. 1:1)

It was at this precise moment that everything in the material universe began. The Bible does not indicate when this exact moment occurred other than to say “in the beginning.” However, a strong case can be made that this moment may have taken place billions of years ago, and perhaps even longer. The evidence for this position will be presented in Chapter V of this book.

The scriptures do declare however, that at this very moment something spectacular occurred. Something so immense that the entire angelic world could observe it. It was at this point that all the angels sang praises to the Great God and literally shouted for joy (Job 38:7).

How Did He Do It?

Many have wondered how God went about creating the universe. In other words, what specifically did He do? What materials did He use? Did He simply “blink” like some genie in a lamp, and poof! everything appeared? Or was the universe painstakingly assembled like an intricate model with every piece delicately put in its exact place? Is that what God did? Just how did He create the vast expanse of the heavens and the earth?

As amazing as this might sound, the Bible provides some extraordinary insights into this great scientific puzzle. It actually describes the process that took place when this Master Architect created all that exists.Things Not Seen

The eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews is one of the most frequently read passages in all the Bible. This chapter is often called the “faith chapter.” It identifies great champions of faith down through the ages, as well as the challenges they faced throughout their lives. However, this wonderful portion of scripture also addresses the very creation of heaven and earth and in doing so, reveals something extraordinary about this remarkable event.

The author of Hebrews begins this chapter by providing an explanation of what real faith is. Notice what is said.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Heb. 11:1)

The words in this verse are revealing that there are things that exist that cannot be grasped by the empirical senses. In other words “things not seen.” This however, does not mean that such “things” are not real. Notice this verse does not say “things that don’t exist,” but rather “things not seen.” The point here is that there are things that do exist that simply cannot be comprehended by sight, scent, taste, touch, or sound. This is because these “things” are made of something beyond the physical realm.

At this point the author now addressed the literal creation of the material universe – the heavens and the earth, and once again the existence of the “invisible” is presented.

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were made of things which do not appear. (Heb. 11:3)

With these words, the Bible is proclaiming that the physical universe we see around us was made by the “word of God” out of something that is not seen – something other than physical matter.

Although the scriptures do not specifically state what this “something” was, it is clear that it was not corruptible in nature. This being the case, the ingredient God used when fashioning the universe must have been some form of spiritual material that had the capacity to be converted into a massive energy source. This material was a type of “spiritual essence.” God then used this essence to create a highly concentrated molecular structure. This structure may very well have contained virtually all the elements that exist in the universe today.

Experts in the scientific community have suggested that the molecular structure from which the universe came once possessed a perfect density. In other words, it was perfectly solid. To put this in perspective, imagine God placing the entire universe in His hand and squeezing all the air out of it. It was so concentrated that there was literally no space between the atomic particles of which matter consists.

Furthermore, the density of this structure was so great that its size would be remarkably small. It was so compacted that leading quantum-physicists have suggested that it was no larger than a small coin. Imagine the entire universe being the size of a dime! Some have even suggested that it was so tiny that it could not be detected by the most powerful microscope on earth today. Such a fact is just mind-boggling because the universe in its current state is so vast.

This concentrated molecular structure is in all likelihood what God made from incorruptible “spirit essence.” In this process, the incorruptible became corruptible. Spirit became matter. This atomic structure would then be used by the Great Creator to form an architectural wonder that would come to be known as the universe. It was at this point that God spoke the “word” that would “frame the world.” He commanded this massively powerful source of energy to “go forth!” and go forth it did!

This precise moment was nothing short of high drama in the universe. Virtually every angelic being in existence was poised as God was about to activate a power source so massive, its effects are felt throughout the heavens to this very day. The universe today is still in a state of expansion.

It is hard to imagine how spectacular this moment was. Here, at this exact second, organic matter was screaming through a newborn universe at speeds man simply cannot comprehend. The colors and sounds must have been breathtaking.

As this newly created material ripped through the blackness of space, stars were being formed, planets and moons were moving into orbits, honoring laws the Great Creator had already set in motion. Gravitational pulls were molding solar systems, Galaxies were forming their “borders.” Great stars were exploding into bodies of unimaginable light and power. And this all came into being because an infinite God gave the “word.” The Bible says, “God spoke and earth existed.” This truth is affirmed by both science and scripture.

We at Blow the Trumpet genuinely enjoyed our time with you.
We hope to see you next week.